I have never sweated (I mean perspired) like I've been doing since I started this. I never worked up a sweat unless I was outside and it was really warm, but here I am working out in my 75 degree air conditioned house and feeling great because I'm working really hard and I was really working up a sweat!! I feel like such a tough broad! I was even growling at one point today, and I had to stop doing my leg lifts because I started laughing. Maybe I'm not that tough after all, huh? lol
Today was lots of fun. I got to babysit my grandson and he kept me running all day long, and we danced together and played bongo drums. I am lucky to be a young granny, and that I just got new tennis balls on my walker! (that last part was a joke)
What was also nice is that my daughter noticed that I'm looking better!! I hadn't seen her in a couple weeks and she said "wow mom! you do look thinner" My husband says he noticed it in my face too. I can't really tell, so you will have to let me know when you see my pictures on wednesday!! I am so pleased that I am really seeing results, and I am able to just carry on without feeling like I'm on diet. I'm actually on a "lifestyle change" so is that a "live it?" My blood sugar was 125 today, which still is lowish and good. Still no dairy for me and I ate gluten free waffles for breakfast... not a real fan of those though.
LOVE !!!
see you tomorrow!!!
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