Making good choices about what I do and what goes into my body sounds easy until you try to make it a habit. But it is true what they say... The more you do it the easier it gets. Take today for instance. I went back to work after a 3 day weekend and in the lunch room were 3 plates. 2 of cookies and one of brownie bites. A few weeks ago, you would have found me with napkin in my purse, with 2 or three cookies I'd be saving for later. It's really easy to say "no" now and it sorta freaks me out how easy it really is. Maybe it's the fact that I do not want to be getting diabetes and giving myself injections, but I really don't think about that part all that much. I think it's just that I'm not HUNGRY hungry. Does that make sense? I'm not urgently needing sugar like NOW! or I'm gonna kill somebody. My needs are being met through high volume, low fat foods and vitamins I wasn't getting before. Now since I'm not feeling those huge dips in bloodsugar that make me want to get chips, soda, a bag (I kid you not) of JELLY BEANS or whatever fast fix I can get, I am able to objectively sit back and say, wow they look yummy, but I'm not hungry so I'm not gonna eat it. Now I would be lying if I said I'm never eating cake or cookies or brownies again. I just don't feel the need to eat the whole pan of brownies or 3 slices of cake anymore. My absolute favorite all time sweet is baklava. If you've never had it, you are missing out. But I was thinking about that today and I could imagine what it tasted like, and that was enough, for now. Is that weird? I think it's pretty cool. I'm starting to mature with my impulse control issues, I think.
As for the cleanse, tomorrow is the last day of the fiber drink! then I'll be starting the advocare MNS pack of vitamins. It sorta seems like a lot of pills but I'm told I'll get used to them. These little magic beauties are supposed to aid in appetite control, boost my energy and fill in the gaps where I may need help nutritionally. The weight will really start melting off then. For tonight, I'm taking a much deserved break from excersize and relaxing with the hubster. LOVE !!! see you tomorrow!!