Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 5 and still alive!!

Wow, I am feeling really good today. My energy is way up there and I feel physically great. I think the vitamins are kicking in, because today was different. I am just so excited to not be tired. People think I have a lot of energy, but toward the end of the day, I'm not all that peppy. But right now? I'm gonna clean the whole house after working all day, then work out.
I'd heard when you cleanse that you can feel a little more tired, but not me! I drank lots of water today. Breakfast was an orange, a banana and 2 rice cakes with Omega 3 peanut butter, (by skippy brand..yum) and I drank a SPARK, the Advocare energy drink. Filled me up. Even without the fiber drink! I had a yummy lunch of chicken (no skin) and veggies with a big salad. I am loving garbanzo beans. I never used to put them on salad, you should try it. I need to get some edamame. (soybeans in the pod) sooo buttery and yummy. Tonight, Chicken Pot pie with no gravy, I use fat free cream cheese. Making a whole wheat crust for the top only. each serving has about 1/3 cup veggies, and I used canned chicken but you can use breasts and chop it up and cook it first. I also put garlic and some italian seasoning in it. Not supposed to have dairy for the cleanse but a small bit of fat free cream cheese is not gonna mess anything up.
Fun fact, I went last night to buy workout clothes, and I usually wear size 12-14. I bought them before I tried them on and realized when I got home, they were TOO BIG!!  things are fitting differently even after five days. I keep wondering what has been hiding in my insides that in five days can make such a difference to the way my body is changing. I am not just sitting on my behind though. I'm working out. I think that helps. As I say, the weightloss for this part of the cleanse is not the issue for me. I will really start losing when I get into the Max phase and start the vitamin packets. I am proud of myself too, I passed up an entire plate of chocolate chip cookies, and was not even tempted. I looked at them and said "eh, not worth it.". I am eating all day, and I don't feel deprived at all. LOVE!!! Talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. If you want the recipe for the pot pie, leave me a message
